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Black Diamond

Black Diamond

Low Calorie Milk Capsule

¥55.80 ¥45.00

Size: 10cup / box
Original Price: $6.2/cup ($62/box)
Existing Customer's Discount:$5/cup ($50/box)
VIP Coffee Sharing Customer's Discount:$4.3/cup ($43/box)


Product Description:
Our exclusive low-calories milk capsule contains only about 40 calories.

As a substitute of whole milk, the calories intake of milk capsule is 80% lower than whole milk. With our milk capsule, the calories intake for a single cup coffee is 5 times lower than any instant coffee. You can enjoy an extra cup of coffee without worrying about overweight. ARISSTO MILK CAPSULE is easy to use. It helps you to save storage space and prevent milk deterioration problems and give you an extraordinary Italian coffee experience.


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